one smile at a time

Think of Stylie as your neighbourhood marketing wizards, here to sprinkle some magic on your business. Whether it's crafting a stunning website, managing your social media, or whipping up engaging content, we've got you covered. Think of us as the secret sauce to your success! Let's make it happen together!


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Do you ever feel like your business is stuck in the mud while competitors zoom past? Our branding experts can give your small business the push it needs. We’ll work closely with you to craft a plan that speaks directly to your target audience, optimising every dollar you spend. Imagine finally seeing those sales climb and knowing you’re reaching the right people.

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Have you ever landed on a website that just felt... right? That's the magic of great web design. Our web magicians can turn your vision into a stunning, user-friendly site that looks good and works seamlessly. Your customers will easily find what they need and love every moment they spend on your site. That’s how we help you make a lasting impression.

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Looking for quick results? Paid ads can be a game-changer. Our ad experts will craft compelling ads that target the right audience, driving traffic and boosting sales in no time. It's like having a megaphone for your brand's message.

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Remember the last time you saw a post that made you stop scrolling? That’s the power of effective social media management. We take care of everything from creating engaging content to interacting with your audience, so you can focus on what you do best — running your business. Let us help you build genuine connections and grow your community online.

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Do you know what keeps customers coming back? It’s feeling valued and appreciated. With our Digital Loyalty Cards, rewarding your repeat customers has never been easier or more fun. Think about it—special offers, exclusive discounts, all at their fingertips. It's a win for everyone!

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What people say about you online can make or break your business. Have you ever Googled yourself and cringed at an old review? With our reputation management tools you can take control of your online presence. You can monitor reviews, respond directly, and highlight the positive feedback that showcases the best of what you offer. Let’s turn those potential negatives into shining endorsements that draw new customers in.



Do you ever feel like your business is stuck in the mud while competitors zoom past? Our branding experts can give your small business the push it needs. We’ll work closely with you to craft a plan that speaks directly to your target audience, optimising every dollar you spend. Imagine finally seeing those sales climb and knowing you’re reaching the right people.


Have you ever landed on a website that just felt... right? That's the magic of great web design. Our web magicians can turn your vision into a stunning, user-friendly site that looks good and works seamlessly. Your customers will easily find what they need and love every moment they spend on your site. That’s how we help you make a lasting impression.


Looking for quick results? Paid ads can be a game-changer. Our ad experts will craft compelling ads that target the right audience, driving traffic and boosting sales in no time. It's like having a megaphone for your brand's message.


Do you remember the last time you saw a post that made you stop scrolling? That’s the power of effective social media management. We take care of everything from creating engaging content to interacting with your audience, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business. Let us help you build genuine connections and grow your community online.


Do you know what keeps customers coming back? It’s feeling valued and appreciated. With our Digital Loyalty Cards, rewarding your repeat customers has never been easier or more fun. Think about it—special offers, exclusive discounts, all at their fingertips. It's a win for everyone!


What people say about you online can make or break your business. Have you ever Googled yourself and cringed at an old review? With our reputation management tools you can take control of your online presence. You can monitor reviews, respond directly, and highlight the positive feedback that showcases the best of what you offer. Let’s turn those potential negatives into shining endorsements that draw new customers in.



From creating your brand strategy to building a standout website and crafting the perfect content, we've got you covered. Our paid ads will boost your visibility while digital loyalty cards nurture customer loyalty. Reach out now to elevate your business!



Do ever feel like you're juggling too many hats? We've been there! That's why we're passionate about helping small businesses like yours. From web design to paid ads and everything in between, we tailor our services to fit your unique needs. Imagine having more time to focus on what you do best while we handle your digital hustle.


How do we get started?

It's super easy! Just drop us a message through our contact form or give us a call. We'll have a friendly chat to understand your needs and tailor the best plan for you.

What kind of businesses do you work with?

We love helping small businesses grow! Whether you're a cosy café or a local boutique, we have the tools and expertise to boost your online presence.

What is the process of getting a website?

Think of it as baking a cake together! We’ll gather your ingredients (ideas), mix them into a design, and then perfect it until it’s deliciously ready to go live. Yum!

Can you manage my social media accounts?

Absolutely! We can take the reins on your social media so you can focus on running your business. Trust us to post, engage, and keep those likes rolling in. #SocialButterfly

How soon can I expect to see results from digital marketing?

Patience, grasshopper! Digital marketing is more of a marathon than a sprint. While some tactics might show quick wins, most strategies need a bit of time to really shine.

Do you offer support after my project is completed?

Of course! We’re here for the long haul, like your favourite cosy sweater. If you ever need help or have questions, our team is just an email away.

How much do your services cost?

We believe in tailored solutions, so our pricing varies. Let's discuss your specific goals and budget to find the perfect fit!

What are your payment terms?

We offer flexible payment terms to suit your needs. You can choose to pay upfront, or we also provide installment plans that allow you to spread the cost over a period of time. We accept various payment methods including credit cards, bank transfers, and online payment platforms. Our goal is to make the process as convenient and straightforward as possible for you. If you have any specific requirements or questions, please feel free to reach out to our team, and we'll be happy to assist!


Got a question, a brilliant idea, or just want to say hi? We're all ears! Your thoughts and inquiries are super important to us, and we can't wait to hear from you. Whether you're curious about our services or need some advice on your next big project, don't hesitate to drop us a line